Charity News

CV19 creates a community: from internally to externally focused At the start of the Covid pandemic in 2020, Haberdasher Past Master Michael Jeans formed a support group within his apartment development especially for vulnerable residents.

After a few weeks, this internally focused group developed externally: the development is situated next door to St Mary's Paddington, which had seen hundreds of deaths, so an appeal was launched to provide some financial assistance to vulnerable patients and staff; many of whom were from very low income families. The... Read More

Our Company Chaplain and Freeman, the Rev’d Canon David Parrott, has recorded a message for his Livery Companies from St Lawrence Jewry. Please click below to hear it:


The Company, as Trustee of the Haberdashers’ Benevolent Foundation, is pleased to announce another three years support for the 2020 University of East London (UEL) / Haberdashers’ Entrepreneur Awards. 


In partnership, the Haberdashers’ Company and the UEL have supported the creation, survival and growth of over 100 entrepreneurs and created a rich, diverse community of thriving East London businesses.   The Haberdashers’ Entrepreneur Awards programme is delivered by UEL’s Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Team... Read More

Congratulations to former Haberdashers’ Aske’s School for Girls pupil, Dr Mala Mawkin, who received the award of Highly Commended finalist at the Women of the Future Awards, in November 2019.    Her particular area of interest is health innovations and eHealth data and she was awarded a Thomas Arno Fund award in early 2019 toward her medical elective examining  the extremes of progress in eHealth around the world. She joined the eHealth Malawi team to see the on-the-ground work they are doing in one of... Read More

The Haberdashers’ Company is delighted to announce the winners of the Haberdasher Arkwright Engineering Scholarships for 2019. Left to right:Daniel Rivlin (Haberdasher’s Aske’s Boys School), Andrew Tarpey, Liveryman and Engineering Mentor, Daniel Hickey (Haberdashers’ Adams) and Amy Shaw (Haberdashers’ Aske’s School for Girls). Please note that scholarships were also awarded to Ryan Sandhu (Haberdashers’ Adams) and Christopher Castello-Cortes (Haberdasher’s Aske’s Boys School) but they were unable to attend the... Read More

We are delighted to announce the winners of the 2019 Haberdashers’ Company prizes for outstanding medical students. Left to right: Dr Martin Carrier, Helen Strauss, First Warden Caroline Davis, Dr Miguel Sequeira Campos and Dr Sam Thenabadu.


The awards are made every year to exceptional students from both Guy’s, King’s and St. Thomas’s School of Medicine and Dentistry and St Bartholomew’s and the Royal London School of Medicine and Dentistry.

Dr Miguel Sequeira Campos (... Read More

The Haberdashers’ Company is delighted to announce the recipients of the 2019-20 Haberdashers’ Opera Scholarship and Haberdashers’ Music Scholarships at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. These prestigious scholarships are awarded to students in financial need who show great talent and potential.


Ella de Jongh Jacob Parker Max Pemberton... Read More

The Haberdashers' Company/Cockpit Arts Award is now open for applications. Open to makers working in knit to assist them to set up in business, the award comprises business support as well as subsidised studio space for one year. Deadline: 8 October 2019.



About the Award

Applications are invited for the Haberdashers’/Cockpit Arts Award which aims to assist makers working in knit to start up and develop... Read More

On Monday 10th June the UEL/Haberdashers'  Entrepreneur Award Ceremony was held at Haberdashers' Hall. The awards are a partnership between the Haberdashers' Company and the University of East London designed to give businesses owned by UEL students and alumni a financial boost to encourage growth.


2019 award winners pictured with the Master and representatives from UEL


The programme has been running for over 10 years and has supported more than... Read More