Recent Grants



Major grant. A charity whose aim is to inspire and enable young people to overcome barriers and discover a career in the construction sector.



Major grant. Deliver high quality, trauma-informed services for any young person, 16-24, who wants support. Our services are focused on improving their Housing, Health, Safety and Life Skills. We also use our expertise and learning to change things in the wider system.




Major Grant. School home support works to improve low attendance in schools through whole family support and services for schools.






Major grant. Working to create positive futures for young people.

Read more here.


Regular grant. Maintaining our roots in haberdashery, fashion and textiles through the Haberdashers' Scholarships.




Regular grant. Scholarships for students in need since 1999.

Read more here.



Regular grant. The Arkwright Engineering Scholarship is an engineering award given to engineering students within the United Kingdom and Channel Islands.




Regular grant. Supporting the Lord Mayor's Appeal, A Better City for All.


Regular grant. 



Regular grant. The Company supports the School's Future Tutors programme and the two Haberdashers' Prizes annually.









Regular grant. Supporting young people with engineering scholarships.



Regular grant. Maintaining our roots in haberdashery, fashion and textiles through the Haberdashers' Scholarship.

Read more here.








Regular grant. The Company's Entrepreneur Awards for start-up businesses.

Read more here.


The Adult Literacy Trust is dedicated to ensuring that individuals who wish to improve their literacy skills receive the help they need to become successful readers.

Small Grant is for the Reading Coaches programme, which brings together adult learners and volunteers who provide one-to-one support to build skills and confidence in reading, to help break the cycle of exclusion and poor literacy.



The Ben Kinsella Trust is one of the leading anti-knife crime charities in the UK, who work to prevent knife crime through educating young people about its dangers and helping them to make positive choices to stay safe.

Small Grant is for six knife crime prevention workshops.


Elliott Hall for Youth & Community (CIC) operates a variety of different activities for all different ages & abilities. We are registered as a safe & warm haven, where anyone can drop in, have chat & cuppa & take part in an activity or just read a book in the warmth feeling safe.


Small Grant is for the costs of community kitchen for healthy eating programmes for single parents and young carers. Personal hygiene packs for 8-16 year olds girls, and Play group room hire.


Free to Be Kids is a London-based charity that supports children and young people who are struggling with social or emotional difficulties and helping to create lasting change for vulnerable children’s emotional health.

Small Grant is for the residential aspect of the Thrive Outside Lewisham Project, focused around re-engaging children with the outdoors, creative play, imagination and therapeutic adventures.


Hackney Playbus is a small charity dedicated to bringing play opportunities and support to families who need it the most. We run a variety of services for families with children under five in East London. All our services are free to attend.


Small Grant is for  children under five and their families who are facing deprivation by taking our unique, converted Playbus into community spaces in Hackney


For some young people, the stuffy school environment just doesn’t work. We want to re-imagine learning so that anyone can discover their passion, turn it into a life skill and gain the confidence they need to achieve their future goals.


The Small Grant is for Empowering Future Innovators: STEM Education with 3D Design Technology and Instructor Excellence


Lewisham Youth Theatre nurtures and inspires young people’s voices through free participatory theatre activities, helping them to develop enduring and transferable skills that lead to increased life chances and long term well-being.

Small Grant for Friday Socials drop-in project, a safe space for 11-18 year olds to build self-confidence and develop positive relationships with others of different backgrounds and needs.


Little Stars ensure babies and children across Shropshire have access to the basic essentials that they need to feel safe and secure.

Little stars mission is to alleviate the emotional stress and financial pressures of families by providing quality essentials for babies, children and pregnant women.


Small Grant is to fund the Baby Bank and Tots to Teens Project.


Parent to Skills Go encourage and provide support services and activities for parents and carers with young children. Parentskills2Go CIC is an umbrella organisation for different projects including Little People's World, which is a voluntary parent-led group that provides activities and events for families.


Small Grant funds the Young People’s food Project -The Power of Food


South London Mission Theory of Change is based on three core values that each projects should aim to address in order to bring about systemic, long term change in individuals, families, communities and society as a whole. These values are RESPITE REGENERATION & REVOLUTION


Small Grant is to mitigate the impact of poverty through engagement which offers respite, regeneration and revolution in our community.


Southside Young Leaders Academy (SYLA) supports boys aged 8-18 to build character, improve academic achievement, and develop the skills required to become the next generation of leaders.


Small Grant is for Young Leaders Programme: raising attainment, building character, and developing life skills.




Telegraph Hill PlayClub is a free, inclusive, community-run play club in South East London, which provides free educational and play sessions to for 0-5 year olds and their parents/carers in the local area and beyond.

Small Grant is for improving PlayClub's outdoor facilities


Tutor United works closely with parents, pupils, and tutors, our programme strategically produces outcomes on youth employment, volunteering, academic attainment, adult training, community regeneration and financial inclusion.


Small Grant is for 3-year community-based tutoring programme that will hire, train, and pay 12 local university students to deliver attainment-raising, confidence-boosting tuition to 72 primary school pupils from low-income, migrant and refugee backgrounds in Lewisham.


Young Leicestershire is the biggest provider of open-access clubs for young people in Leicester and Leicestershire. They work to provide young people with the widest possible range of positive activities through leading and supporting voluntary-sector services.

Small Grant is for their weekly Young Carers Group


GASP Motor Project is an independent alternative learning provider that delivers accredited courses in basic motor mechanics and practical engineering skills, and contributes to students’ positive personal development.


Small Grant is for funding towards the cost of delivering one term-long course in motor mechanics to disadvantaged youngsters living in Chertsey, during the 2024-25 academic year.


The Inside Out Project is a platform that helps communities around the world to stand up for what they believe in and spark global change locally. Group Leaders create their Actions by displaying large-scale black and white portraits of members from their community in public spaces. Together, they create a work of public art!


The Small Grant is for the overall costs running a 5 week design and skills training course and workshop, for ex-offenders who have recently left the justice system.


The Feltham Community Chaplaincy Trust is a multi-faith mentoring project providing support and advocacy to young men leaving Feltham.


Small Grant is for seeking funding for the small number of staff we need to work with clients who apply for our services, match clients with the right mentor, supervise these mentoring relationships and recruit mentors from the community.


St John’s Hoxton has a mission to all the people of the neighbourhood for almost two hundred years. Everything they do is given focus on Mission objectives. Hoxton remains an extremely deprived neighbourhood. Child poverty, environmental and housing poverty are the most pressing issues.


Small Grant is for funding for the local outreach programme to re-engage families of pre-school children and local youth ‘beyond Sundays’ so as to tackle the loneliness, isolation and poor mental health that contributes to social disadvantage.


Catford (Southend) and Downham Team that serves the area of Catford, Whitefoot and Downham. We join with the members of these churches on some of the major Festivals and for various social events.


Small Grant is for the Busy Bees stay and play, which is an inclusive toddler group that is free to attend and open to all who wish to join.