Charity News

Director for Charities, Susan Barry, was invited to be part of a very special Topping Out ceremony at awardee London College of Fashion’s new building in the Olympic Park.


The London College of Fashion began its life in 1906 following the merger of three local trade schools. Since then they have had various teaching and learning spaces spread across the city, making collaboration a very challenging issue.

The ‘Topping Out’ ceremony marked the completion of the structure itself.... Read More

The highlight of my summer In August 2021 eleven Haberdasher students went to explore a part of the very beautiful, wild and at times remote Scottish Highlands. They took part in a unique canoe and camping expedition, spending three nights in the wild. This is the story of their trip.

Up until spring 2021 we continued to have hope that the trip to South Africa could go ahead as planned. This is the annual trip organised by the Wilderness Foundation and funded by the Company. It gives a group of students from across all Haberdasher schools... Read More

Since the late 1990s the Company has worked in collaboration with the Royal College of Art. Our contribution to their scholarship programme ensures that talented voices from all backgrounds contribute to the world of textiles. 

The Company currently provides scholarships for two students studying for their MA in Textiles. Not only does this allow these talented individuals to further their career in textiles, it also allows the Company the chance to closely align itself with our ancient art.

Ryan Hughes (who you may remember from the September... Read More

A variety of funds from the Company are offered annually to all Haberdashers’ schools. This article focuses on just one of those funds, which is for projects that enhance the facilities at the school for the long-term benefit of their pupils, such as equipment or building-related projects.  


One of Company’s funds (Schroders’ and Haberdashers’ Educational Foundation) distributed over £19,000 in grants to our academy schools in 2020/2021.

Abraham Darby, Adams, Borough, Crayford,... Read More

The Company chose London-based youth charity XLP to be the recipient of its 2021 major grant, to help reduce school exclusion rates and build positive futures for young people

XLP’s focus is on some of the most disadvantaged young people in London. Founded in response to a stabbing in south London in 1996, and now in their 25th Anniversary Year, they are still at the forefront of tackling the causes of knife crime at source. 

Their work aligns itself closely with the Company’s endeavour to support excluded, disadvantaged or at-risk young... Read More

For the second year running, the Haberdashers’ Company has supported innovative charity Street Storage with a small grant. Director for Charities, Susan Barry, went to see what the impact of the grant was for founder and director, Rachel Woolf.

I must have passed the sight hundreds of times, yet never actually seen it. On my way home from visiting the charity Street Storage I spotted a man by a shop front, perched, on two, large suitcases. He was clearly living on the streets and in those cases were his worldly goods.

In that moment it was made... Read More

For the past 23 years the Company has been supporting the work of the Royal School of Needlework as they keep the art and techniques of hand embroidery alive.

Offering the only full time degree specialising in hand embroidery in Europe, the Royal School of Needlework is a unique and special organisation. Not only do their specialist embroiderers expertly restore and conserve valuable and historic pieces, they also create new embroidery for fashion, art and royalty.

The Company supports the School’s Future Tutors programme. This is an intensive,... Read More

The Revd Mary Thomas has been appointed as the Bishop of Lichfield’s new Adviser for Women In Ministry.  

She will take on the key advocacy role as the diocese continues to work to ensure that women in ordained ministry experience better development and flourishing.

Mary has been Vicar of the united benefice of Albrighton, Boningale and Donington in Shropshire since 2015. Before ordination she was a qualified teacher who had the privilege of teaching in Wolverhampton, Kathmandu and Jakarta... Read More

Small business Vidicrew was awarded a £2,000 grant in 2018 as one of the University of East London start-up businesses. It is now reaching new levels of growth.


The Haberdashers’ Company’s partnership with UEL endeavours to combat the ‘three-year flop’ seen among many fledgling businesses in London.

Our funding targets the point at which businesses are most likely to fail. It helps bridge the gap between start-up and scale-up where there is very little support or funding... Read More

Despite prison lock-downs, lack of face-to-face support and the pandemic’s effect on the employment market, No Going Back has made a ‘successful start’, according to the interim evaluation. 


The No Going Back programme underwent a significant re-design to adapt to the demands of delivering a remote service. Both participants and staff provided overwhelmingly positive feedback on the quality and range of help provided. 

The Haberdashers’ Company awarded the scheme a £100,000 grant... Read More