Charity News

The Haberdashers’ Company has enjoyed working in partnership with the Guildhall School for over twenty years. Since 1999 we have supported a wide range of students, enabling them to study at this prestigious institution, despite challenging economic backgrounds.

Ella de Jongh performing the role of Silvia in Mascagni’s Zanetto, November 2020. Photo credit Mihaela Bodlovic

Guildhall has risen to fourth place of all higher education institutions for Music in the 2021 Guardian... Read More

The Haberdashers’ Company is excited to begin a new partnership with London College of Fashion, offering one postgraduate student the chance to become the ‘Haberdashers’ Scholar’.      

Until the mid-1600s the Haberdashers were fashion retailers, specialising in accessories. From hats to handbags, the Haberdashers were experts in this unique and dedicated trade. 

The Haberdashers’ Company continues to maintain strong links... Read More

We, along with a wider group of funders, recognise that the impact of the covid-19 outbreak continues to have a significant impact on civil society groups, and want to offer renewed assurance that we stand with the sector at this time.

As covid-19 hit our communities we saw how the incredible work of civil society groups helped people through the worst of times. We know civil society will also be crucial to the recovery and renewal of our communities beyond the crisis, and think it’s important to say that we’re not going anywhere – we’re going to be on the side of communities and... Read More

In September 2020 the Haberdashers' Benevolent Foundation celebrated the end of a 3-year grant of £45,000 to the Shannon Trust, a charity that teaches people in prison to read. Since then, 10,800 prisoners have benefited, vastly enhancing their prospects.  

"I feel more confident with writing letters to my family and friends and look forward to the replies. I know there’s still a long road ahead but I’m pleased I’ve made my first steps. I hope to continue with... Read More

A photo taken at St Boniface, Bunbury, one of eight Haberdasher Company parishes, has been chosen by the Duchess of Cambridge to appear in the exhibition 'Hold Still', a selection of photos taken throughout the country during lockdown, at the National Portrait Gallery. 

"When it was announced church buildings were to be closed to the public to reduce the transmission of the virus, I wanted to assure our community that, although we couldn't gather physically, their photos in church were a symbol that they... Read More

The Haberdashers' Benevolent Foundation recently made a donation, with the Master’s matching funding scheme, to the Cardinal Hume Centre, a charity which enables people to gain the skills they need to overcome poverty and homelessness. It works with homeless young people, badly housed families and others in need.

“This is such a challenging time and we are continuing to support vulnerable people as best we can. We continue to provide a home to 36 young homeless residents with staff from across the Centre stepping in to cover for hostel staff who are ‘... Read More

The Haberdashers' Benevolent Foundation recently made a donation, with the Master's matching funding scheme, to Spread a Smile, a charity which brings joy and laughter to seriously and terminally ill children and their families during intensive treatment and extended hospital stays. 


"We are so grateful for the very generous £450 that Spread a Smile received from a Haberdashers member and the subsequent matching from the Company. This donation will enable us to provide 45 seriously or terminally children who are isolated in... Read More


The Haberdashers / UEL Entrepreneurship Awards 2020 were conducted via MS Teams on Monday 13 July from 4 – 5 pm. There were 20 guests, including Haberdasher members.


Some background

Support from the Haberdashers' Benevolent Founation has helped 120 business in total, over the 15 years of the awards. There were 58 applications for the 2020 Haberdasher / UEL Entrepreneur Awards 2020. Of these, 11 were shortlisted and five awardee businesses were chosen. A big thank you to Faith Johnson, Freeman, who sat... Read More

'Being a part of the first cohort attending Crayford Academy in 2010, the main school building was yet to be built and our classrooms were set up in temporary buildings on the primary school field. On top of this, we remained the eldest pupils as we moved up through the school which certainly put us in a rare position and meant that our year group grew up with the school in a unique way. 

From my time at Haberdashers I was given countless exciting opportunities which helped me to develop my skills and experience, preparing me for later life. One of which is the... Read More

In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, Haberdasher Master Caroline Davis and Immediate Past Master James Kininmonth devised an initiative whereby £30,000 of the Haberdashers' Benevolent Fund would be available to match amounts raised by individual Haberdasher members to support charities of their choice between March 23rd and June 1st.


The charities had to meet certain simple criteria, as well as being within part of  the Company's charitable focus areas:

Helping the unemployed, the homeless, ex-offenders or those at risk of... Read More