Company News

Caramel Rock, a London-based fashion and creative arts training centre and registered charity, is pleased to announce its face mask production initiative. It aims to provide support to key workers by commissioning the production of face masks through the mobilisation of volunteers. As we know there are thousands of brave individuals who are at risk every day who may not have access to the protective clothing they require.


Caramel Rock, located in Newham, is dedicated to helping young people, especially those from... Read More

Students, staff and members from across the country came together last night at Haberdashers' Hall for the first Haberdashers' Musician of the Year, a celebration of the vast range of talent in our schools that resulted in a fantastic evening of musical entertainment.


Professor Jane Glover CBE, Freeman, Adrian Bradbury and Alessandro Fisher, Freeman (the judges) with the Master Caroline Davis and all the musicians (the winner and runner-up holding their awards). The award was kindly... Read More

The Monmouth Schools’ Charitable Trust is delighted to invite former pupils, Haberdashers and friends to the fourth ‘In Conversation with….Patrick Worsnip and Richard Carwardine’ on Monday 24th February at Haberdashers' Hall. Wine will be served from 1800, with the event running from 1830 to 2000.

Patrick and Richard will talk about their lives following Monmouth School, the influences that have shaped their illustrious... Read More

Three young Haberdashers - Joanna Abeyie, Liveryman, Tim Campbell and Chris Achiampong, Freemen - represented the Company at the One Young World Dinner, held at Drapers' Hall in October.


Haberdasher hosts Chris Achiampong (far left), Joanna Abeyie (centre) and Tim Campbell (far right)... Read More

Congratulations to our Liveryman, Alderman William Russell, who yesterday was elected as the 692nd Lord Mayor of the City of London. During his one-year term, which starts on Friday 8th November, he will serve as a global ambassador for the UK-based financial and professional services industry.


With over thirty years’ experience in the financial and business City, including holding senior positions in the national and international banking sector, William started his career with First Boston... Read More

Last week the Haberdashers' Company hosted over 100 of our Haberdasher scholars at the Hall. We are proud and privileged to support more than 180 students at university with a range of awards, the majority of which are aimed at students from our academies in SE London and Shropshire.



The 2019 Golden Lecture was held at St Lawrence Jewry on 28th March and the speaker was the Rt Revd and Rt Hon Dame Sarah Mullally DBE, Bishop of London.  The title of the Bishop’s Lecture was Seeking the Welfare of the City: The Role of the Church in Turbulent Times. Please see here for the transcript and more about the Golden Lecture:

The 2019 Aske Lecture was given at Haberdashers' Hall on Thursday 31st January, by Professor Sir John Holman, Emeritus Professor of Chemistry at the University of York and Senior Education Adviser to The Gatsby Foundation. Its title was 'Career Guidance: what does it look like when it's good?'

Please click below to see the presentation. 

Find out more about the Gatsby Foundation here.

'This year I published Future Politics: Living Together in a World Transformed by Tech (Oxford University Press). 


The book is about the ways in which digital technology, from AI to the internet of things, will transform the nature of power, freedom, democracy and justice. I took time out of my practice as a barrister to embark on a book tour to the US, which took in Harvard, Stanford, and Microsoft among other destinations. Here in the UK I’ve been delighted to present my ideas at the LSE and the British Academy, as well as on the BBC’s Politics Live. The... Read More