Schroders Economics Prize 2021

In conjunction with the Haberdashers’ Company, Cazenove Capital agreed to continue its sponsorship of the Schroders Economics Prize competition and the following question was set for 2020:

Governments are rapidly increasing their deficits and debt to support the economy. Running a government deficit is i) bad for the economy and ii) will require taxes to go up in the future. Discuss each point separately.

Entries were received from lower sixth Economics or Business Studies students at Haberdasher Schools.  It is a great pleasure to notify the winners and runners-up of the competition.

1st: Huda Kherati – Haberdashers’ Aske’s School for Girls
2nd: Jamar Iferenta – Haberdashers’ Aske’s Boys’ School
3rd: Isabel Oliver – Haberdashers’ Aske’s School for Girls
Runners Up
Ali Shamsi  - Haberdashers’ Aske’s Boys’ School
Yasmin Hay – Haberdashers’ Monmouth School
Robert Pilling –Haberdashers’ Adams

Congattulations all!