News from the Slopes! On the 24–27 January 2024, team Snow Camp were back in Morzine for the annual Inter-Livery Ski Championships (ILSC), as the official charity partner for this fantastic event.
The Team Triathlon took place on the first opening day of the Championships under glorious weather conditions. An incredible 116 participants took part, 29 teams of 4 in total – made up of Livery Company skiers, guests and sponsors. There was a fantastic atmosphere throughout the day as teams took on the Giant Slalom, followed by a Biathlon, followed by a Snow Shoe Hike, scoring points for their times in each element. Many congratulations go to the Haberdashers' House Team! Our Mountain Goats swept to overall victory in the Triathalon, as well as taking home the Philanthropy Prize for greatest giving, raising £45,000 in total. The team proved their fundraising prowess, raising over more than £1000 per team member, which is a truly fantastic contribution from The Livery and particularly The Court, towards this incredible cause.
During the trip, two Snow Camp Apprentices who helped to deliver the action spoke movingly on stage to over 270 people during the evening functions – sharing the impact of Snow Camp on their lives and their peers, and bringing the charity to life for everyone there. Congratulations are also extended to the Goldsmiths for coming top in the fundraising challenge, closely followed by the Mercers, Leathersellers and Haberdashers.
Dan Charlish, Founder & Director of Snow Camp, said: “We couldn’t be more grateful for the support of everyone who attended this year’s Inter-Livery Ski Championships, and of course to everyone who took on our triathlon with such passion and enthusiasm. We always have such a wonderful experience being part of this fantastic event. Livery companies are so supportive of our work and are equally competitive about fundraising – a perfect combination! Huge thanks to Emma and Marc for all the organising and support. We are looking forward to ILSC 2025 already.” The Team were also delighted to inducet four new ski team members, who all thoroughly enjoyed their first Habs trip out to the slopes! Read Mountain Goat, Alex Craig's, account of the trip here:"In recent times, the word GOAT has taken on a new meaning as "Greatest Of All Time", and with this in mind the Haberdasher Mountain Goats ventured to the picturesque slopes of Morzine to take part and compete in one of the most popular events in the annual Livery calendar, the Inter-livery ski competition. In addition to this, 2024 marked the 6th year of Snow Camp being a charity partner, a brilliant charity that has been harnessing the power of snow sports to break down barriers, broaden horizons and address social issues undeserved to disadvantaged young people. On the 24th of January, they delivered a Team Triathlon competition for 29 different livery teams consisting of 4 members, each taking part in the Giant Slalom race on the Nyon piste, a Biathlon shooting challenge and Snow-shoe hike. On Day 2 and 3, the Haberdasher Mountain Goats joined over 230 freeman, Livery men and guests across all of the Livery companies for some challenging parallel and giant slalom racing. Despite the icy conditions and warm sun beating down on the slopes (far too sunny for a half-Scottish red head), many very respectable ski racing times were achieved, in particular, George and Charlie Barrow brothers finishing 8th and 20th. I was humbled to be shown that age is just a number as I was soundly beaten by a 70 year old (the oldest competitor was over 80 years old)
By far the most important aspect of the whole event was the fundraising, in which over £57,000 was raised for Snow Camp, the biggest total so far to date, reflecting the tremendous generosity and collective support of the many Livery companies attending. However, the Greatest Of All Time status can only go to one and it gives me great pleasure to share that the Haberdasher Mountain Goats won the award for the most Philanthropic Company raising over £2600 (+£580 Gift Aid) and a further £2000 kindly donated by the Haberdasher Company. Thank you all for your incredibly generous donations and support, a truly inspirational company wide effort yet again proving what being a Haberdasher means. Furthermore, the Mountain Goats collected the winner's trophy for the Team Triathlon, with a stellar performance from Huw Power, George Barrow, Charlie Barrow and Alex Craig. Finally, I would like to say a huge thank you to Simon and Beth Cartmell for their kind hospitality and hosting, to Kitty Power for braving the slopes for the first time, to the excellent company of Huw Power, Sam Dunn and the Barrow family, and to James Kininmonth for his tireless organisation and bringing it all together. Going forward, I would strongly encourage all those in the Haberdasher Company, regardless of age or skiing ability, to think about joining the Haberdasher Mountain Goats and taking part in next year's exciting trip to Morzine and the Inter-livery ski competition."
If you are a Haberdasher member and interested in joining the ski team, please contact ski captain, James Kininmonth.